Montreat Stewards

A Large Hotel in Montreat?

The Montreat Conference Center (MRA) has proposed building a large, modern 40 room hotel with an underground parking garage, directly across from Robert Lake Playground.  We are strongly opposed to this hotel. A permit was initially granted to the MRA by the Montreat Board of Adjustment, and then revoked by the Superior Court on appeal. The MRA is now appealing the decision, but the Town of Montreat is not joining the appeal.

Why Do We Oppose the Proposed Hotel?

The Facts

Pollution to Flat Creek

Discharge from the stormwater system of the proposed hotel will be directly into the Robert Lake Park where children play.

Testimony by Dr. Barrett Kays to the Board of Adjustment: 

Barrett Kays, Ph.D., is a nationally recognized expert with 45 years of experience in stormwater management & soil science. He assisted in designing the StormTech technology that the MRA has proposed to use for the hotel site and was a commissioner of the North Carolina Public Health Commission for four years.  Dr. Kays made the following statements, under oath, in the Board of Adjustment hearing:

Clear-Cutting Trees on a Large Plot in the Middle of Montreat 

Assessment of an arborist:

Loss of Three Historic Homes

The proposed demolition of three homes, include two of the oldest homes in Montreat: 

This is a historic neighborhood. 90% of the homes in the immediate area are of historic significance, including 28 built before 1920. The proposed modern hotel would change the character of the area. 


 For more information about these three homes, see also Elizabeth Maxwell, A Flowing Stream

Opposition to the Hotel

Petition Results as of 6/18/24




Montreat homes opposed

(approx 1/3 of homes in Montreat)

Those opposed to the construction of a large modern hotel have consistently and repeatedly voiced a desire to work with the MRA to find a win-win solution.  We support the MRA constructing new accommodation for its conferences, as needed, and we see many possible ways of achieving this.  It does not require an extremely large, modern hotel. 

The mission of the Town of Montreat: 

To seek ways to maintain and improve the quality of life, preserve the natural beauty and promote responsible growth while maintaining our community image, heritage and traditions.

Montreat Stewards 

is a group of Montreat residents and friends dedicated to preserving and protecting the beauty, history and peace of Montreat, North Carolina. 

On this website you can find information on 

If you want to join an email list to stay updated on the hotel project, please contact us.